Here at Prometheus, we are always looking to improve our systems and offer the best possible solar solutions to those in northern Arizona. In doing so, we have now partnered with Tesla to bring the Tesla Powerwall to our amazing customers! After reading this article on how this equipment works, should you be interested in receiving information on how you can get one (or multiple) installed at your home, feel free to email us at or give us a call (928)527-1034.
What is a Tesla Powerwall?
The Powerwall is a piece of equipment that allows you to save electricity for a rainy day. Should the grid experience a power outage for whatever reason, you wouldn’t notice a thing as your Powerwall would immediately turn on providing power to your critical circuits (with the potential of covering the whole house based on power usage and number of powerwalls installed). The lithium batteries inside allow for a long lasting and reliable system you can count on.
How does the Tesla Powerwall work?
This equipment works by taking power (whether it be from solar or the grid) and storing it. It can then be programmed to turn on during your peak electricity times, therefore reducing your electric bill. That’s right, this helps reduce your bill in addition to providing electricty in case of a power outage. And I’m sure you’re wondering, do you need solar to pair with this? The answer is no! You can also add it to any existing system you might already have.
How easy is the Powerwall to use?
The Powerwall is an incredibly user friendly piece of equipment. Should you decide you want to set it and forget it, you can do so. You also have the ability to monitor the system 24/7 from your smart phone. This allows you to optimize your power use and reduce your electric bill.
What are the specs?
The Powerwall packs a lot of punch into a small package. This system offers up 13kWh of storage with the ability to have a 100% depth of discharge. It comes with a built in 5kW inverter with 7kW peak and can operate in temperatures anywhere from -4°F to 122°F. All of this in a 45.3″ x 29.6″ x 5.75” package with a 10 year warranty.
We want to offer our customers the best possible products to get you into the world of solar. Don’t think you can afford it? Let’s talk financing and see what the numbers tell us. We want this to make financial sense for you and we are available to have those conversations. Again, feel free to email us at or give us a call (928)527-1034 to get the conversation started today!
We own a home north of Flagstaff near Timberline off of Hwy 89. Will be doing extensive remodel hopefully this summer, viruses and civil war notwithstanding. Might be needing a new roof. Interested in solar and battery backup so timing seems to be right. Have the usual questions and probably the standard dumb questions as well. Might consider a solar roof if practical to replace old roof. Coming at this with no solar background save the battery charger on the roof of our travel trailer.
Hi Bob! We can definitely get all of your questions answered and see what type of system might work best. Feel free to shoot us a message at or give us a call Mon-Fri 8-5 at (928)527-1034, to discuss it. Thanks!