Jim Corning’s professional life revolves around aviation, energy, and engineering. He was a student at MIT in the 1970s, and saw firsthand how the oil shortages of the ‘70s plunged our country into a place of scarcity. Since then, he has worked in the oil industry on the Arctic coast, built electric motorcycles, organized sustainable living fairs, taught classes on solar electric systems, and helped Ryan Holtz start up Prometheus Renewables. Jim’s goal is to help Americans find a way to energy abundance, and it gives him great pleasure to see Prometheus’ clients harvesting their own clean solar power, right at home.
When Jim charges his Chevy Volt with solar power, he enjoys the abundance of driving on sunshine. It’s very liberating.
When he’s not working, Jim loves hiking, mountain biking, flying and backpacking around the beautiful mountain west with his wife Holly.
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